Friday 20 June 2014

Gospel Church

I know most of you that know me well enough will find this hard to believe but on the Sunday morning we were in Nashville I went to a gospel church service at Mount Zion church, yes this was my first ever church service! The church is bigger than any I've seen and has to huge car parks with an east and west entrance. When we got inside there were cameras filming the service as it is broadcast on their website and on the radio for members who are not able to attend. People were also writing notes as the pastor spoke and some people don't have hard copies of the bible anymore but read them on kindles or kindle apps on iPads etc. Apologies but I don't have any pictures because it didn't feel quite right snapping people at Sunday service!!! I think I have a picture of the church in my camera so you'll have to wait until I upload those pictures when the trip is over!

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